ESL Speaking Fall 2018 W12

It’s week 12 of the ESL conversation class. So, it’s time for a quiz.

Hour 1

Kinds of Thinking (10)

This slide show explain the next activity of the class.

Pair Work Thinking and Speaking (15)

Here are the questions (word lists).

Here are some possible answers.

Signs (10)

Work with a partner. Look at the signs and answer 2 questions.

  1. Where can you find each sign?
  2. What does it mean?


60 Second Memory Check (10)

Study this picture for 60 seconds.

Then make one sentence with ING for each of the 7 actions.


Hour 2

Quiz Self Study (15)

Take a few minutes to review your notes before the quiz.

Quiz (30)

Quiz time

Hour 3

Textbook page 88 #2 (10)

Fill in the blanks with the correct phrasal verb construction.

Check answers.

Textbook page 89 #4 (10)

Fill in the blanks with matching phrasal verb.

Check answers.


See the Past and Future (20)

Learn everything about a person by looking at the line son the palm of heir hands.

Review the vocabulary worksheet first.

Study the palm line chart.

Amaze your partner with your insights.


Vocabulary Worksheet (10)

A quick pair work activity to help students learn by requiring quick recall of essential words.

Get the vocabulary worksheet here.



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