Writing Prompts for Quick Writing

English Writing Lessons

Here’s a writing lesson idea that teachers might want to keep in their back pockets: writing activities that don’t take much up time yet foster fluency and text-specific objectives.

I found these prompts at a great site for writing lesson ideas.

Writing Process and Feedback

Typically, these writing lessons should take about 15-20 minutes. Each activity is a timed writing lesson, though it’s longer than the normal 10 minutes I usually set aside for fluency writing.

The creator of these prompts wrote a blog post about how he or she uses these writing prompts in class. Here is a quick summary of that approach:

  • 5-10 minutes – teacher teaches a narrow aspect of writing, perhaps a grammar point or style trick
  • teacher shows the prompt and students write a story which, in part, incorporates the day’s lesson
  • 10 minutes later, teacher calls time and collects student work, usually a 1/2 page of text per person
  • students begin a 20-minute reading stretch
  • teacher silently reads student work
  • at the end of reading time, teacher provides feedback to whole class
  • connects student effort to 6+1 writing traits
  • reads a few examples of student work
  • don’t grade on grammar
  • emphasize the process of getting ideas from head to paper

Bottom line: emphasize fluency, connect to writing traits, provide quick and meaningful feedback.

I’m not sure it would work every week in my university classes, but I will try it at a few times before the mid term exams and get comments from my students.

Writing Prompts

Write an argument with two or three premises.

 ESL writing prompt

Write a text that supports an argument and be persuasive (i.e. use emotion).

 Learn English writing persuasive

Make a list. Write 10 steps that a successful person you like might have written.

 ESL writing prompt list


Use of the images in this post complies with the author’s Creative Commons license.


Teach writing?

Get the ebook Teach Essential Writing Skills. Transform the quality of EFL student writing by focusing on four essential skills. Click here for details about the ebook that should be part of every writing teacher’s resource library.


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Cut your lesson prep time with this colossal collection of ESL resources that stimulate language learning and critical thinking. Simplify your lesson planning because teaching should be a joy, not a chore.toolbox-front-cover-3d-book-8-8

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