ESL Speaking Fall 2018 W10

It’s week 10 of the semester. Time to hunker down.

Hour 1

Conversation Questions (15)

Student A

  1. What apps do you have that help you learn a language?
  2. How do you unlock your smartphone: swipe pattern, number combination, or bio-metric?
  3. How often do you listen to English podcasts or audio books on your phone or computer?
  4. Do you read ebooks on your phone? Got any recommendations?
  5. Do you have membership app with  bar code or QR code?

Student B

  1. Have you ever taken an online class? Why or why not?
  2. What might happen if … ?
  3. How full is your glass?
  4. When was a time that you felt lucky?
  5. What do you think is the meaning of this quote by Aristotle, We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act, but a habit?



Book reports due week 13

  • no lates, no emails 


Describing Locations Intro (10)

Look at the paper. It has vocabulary for many shapes and sentence patterns for locations.


Pair Work (20)

Describe your picture. Your partner will draw it.


Hour 2

Textbook sound files


page 78 B 1 b-c (10)

  • fill in blanks
  • check answers

Page 79 #3 (10)

  • write 2 questions with would. 
  • ask P your questions

Page 80 # 1(10)

  • Read
  • Listen to a story 
  • read while listening

Page 81 (10)

  • listening 

Page 83 (10)

  • Pair work questions 

Page 84 (10)

  • review page
  • answer questions 


Complete Vocabulary Worksheet (15)

Here are some anagram puzzles. An anagram is a kind of puzzle. Make a new word from an existing word. Move the letters around, but don’t add or delete any letters.

For example:

  • seat – teas



Hour 3

Homework for Next Week (10)

We will do another read and summarize activity.

This reading and speaking activity is similar but the content, and purpose, are different.

  1. Read and listen to one short story.
  2. Summarize the story.
  3. Describe the cause and effect connections between the invention and world history. How did the invention change human development? Be specific.

Here are the 4 stories. You will get one of the stories.


Shipping Containers


Printing Press


Map Work (20)

This activity help you give specific directions on a map. Your partner will ask you where to find a place.

You must say the location by referencing compass points (N-S-E-W), corners, and use words like beside, across from or next to.


Pair Work (10)

Look at two pictures in a park. Describe the different actions. Be sire to use good verbs. 



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